Sunday, September 26, 2010


Well, based on the fact that I haven't posted since Wednesday, you could probably guess how I've been. Here are my food logs from Thursday-Sunday. Not pretty:

Protein shake
1 c strawberries
Cinnamon bagel
Cream cheese
Sugar packet
Mini tootsie roll pop
1 butter
100 cal creamsicle
Chips n queso from Romeos
Mini pizza from Romeos
(got sick and puked most of that, that's a good thing? Or a bad thing. Or a "not too surprising considering what you ate" thing.)

Scrambled eggs
1 t promise
1 tub grape jelly
Qdoba naked chicken queso w/veggies
Summer Kitchen salad w/1 egg, ¼ cup dorthy lynch, 3 oz chicken
Dinner roll
2 t margarine
Friday actually wasn't hideous compared to the rest of the days....
Brueggers whole wheat bagel
Plain cream cheese
1 c strawberries w/truvia
Fazolis spaghetti w/meat sauce
Two breadsticks
20 oz green tea
Half of a grisantis mint stick
10 spicy nuggets
Baked potato with two butters
Small frosty
Pretzel m&m’s
Yup, the only foods I ate at home were some strawberries with (nasty) fake sugar on them, and candy. Go me. 

And today,

 cream cheese
 low sugar jelly
 cream cheese
 low sugar jelly
Pretzel m&m’s
3 crunchy tacos
Cinnamon twists
1 tablespoon dressing
4 croutons
3 asparagus spears
½ cup mashed potatoes
3 biscuits

Yes. Two breakfasts. Plus candy. Plus taco bell. Plus Red Lobster.


Tomorrow is Monday. And it WILL be better. Especially since I'm feeling better, getting over my cold, no longer banished to sleep in the cat's room, and no longer feeling too sorry for myself.

Other than the food I had a pretty good weekend. Yesterday I had a great time at boot camp and the nutrition meeting after. Someone from the Zumba class that meets after us asked me about it and said she was going to come check it out next week, so I hope she does. Then Saturday afternoon we had book club, and it was so super awesome. These new people from the intro boot camp are super cool, I love it. :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Happy Wednesday! Today is day two of the challenge. Still under the weather. Back to work today (because I'm basically out of PTO...) but I took it pretty easy. Boot camp tonight, but skipped Cardio Strike at lunchtime.

Here's what I had to eat today:
2 Tablespoons daquil
1 cup of sliced strawberries
20 ounces of black tea
6 mini tootsie roll pops
1 regular tootsie roll pop (my excuse for those: I forgot my cough drops at home, and they were the only things I had handy to keep me from coughing up a storm!)
2 more Tablespoons daquil
Salmon and a baked potato from the cafeteria, with 2 squares of butter
20 ounces of black tea
2 more tablespoons daquil
a 180 calorie whole wheat bagel with 1.8 ounces of cream cheese and a tablespoon of low sugar jelly
2 tablespoons of nyquil

I haven't added it up yet, but I'm pretty confident that I came in under my calorie target.
In other related news, I weighed myself tonight and I'm happy to report that the middle of the three numbers has changed! w00t new decade! Fewer than 20 pounds to go to reach my mini-goal of being "skinny" enough to play wii fit! Yeah!

Also, I told myself and everyone else that I was planning to win the boot camp contest. I fully intend to win for weighloss. But I'm also going to win for attendance. And after tonight, I'm SURE I can do it! Currently there are only three of us with perfect attendance: myself, Tori, and Kelly. Kelly has to miss the last day because of a conflict. Tori plans to come every time, but it's plausible that she will miss occasionally. Therefore: I WIN! w00t! I know I shouldn't count chickens before they're hatched and all, but knowing I CAN win makes me want to win even more! Plus, if I want to win the weight loss part I need to workout pretty hard, so I can't miss anyhow. Can't pass up a chance to burn 900 calories in an hour! :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day one

Today is the first day of a 12 week boot camp challenge and I am going to win.

It wasn't a perfect day, but I think I'm off to a fairly solid start. Despite the fact that I've been sick since Sunday (missed work yesterday and today) I still made it to book camp this morning and tonight. Tonight I think I did really well, I ran a lot more than I normally do. It's getting easier to keep up.

This time around, Marty made us state our goals for the camera. Apparently he's going to edit it all together and email the videos to us so we can get to know the other contestants. I said in the video that I would lose 60 pounds, so....that's what I have to do. That's five pounds a week, which sounds crazy. It means I need to eat 1500 calories/day, and burn 4000 calories/day.

Here's how I did today:
Breakfast was 2 tablespoons of dayquil
Lunch was a giant piece of leftover birthday cake (banana with cream cheese frosting) and 2 tablespoons of dayquil
Dinner was a grilled cheese sandwich and 2 tablespoons of dayquil
After the evening workout I had a protein shake and 2 tablespoons of niquil.

So...yeah. Great start (lol!)

Now I'm settled in and watching the premiere of the biggest loser. Marty threatened to torture us with tricks he learns by watching this season, so I have to watch to get a preview of what I'll have to do tomorrow night.

And here's a current(ish) picture, 40 pounds down!: